PP4CE is since 2017 a strategic alliance between a number of specialists in the field of Controlled Environment technology. These companies have already built many turnkey cleanrooms for various sectors such as the Pharma- or semi-conductor, but also within the food sector. With the decades of experience and the largest number of m2 of realized ‘clean spaces’ in the Benelux, the combined knowledge and experience of the PP4CE concept for quality and solution-oriented thinking.
At the end of 2017, PP4CE commissioned a study by Wolting Marketing Support within the food industry in the Netherlands and Flanders Belgium. The question was primarily about familiarity with zoning within the food industry in ‘medium and high-care’ areas. On balance PP4CE wanted to know whether the market is busy with food safety in general, and with control of contamination risks in the air, in particular.
The results of the study were in the view of the PP4CE organization worrying! In the Netherlands, and even more clearly in Flanders, a lot of attention is paid to cleaning surfaces and machines, but people are less aware of the risks of contamination present in the air. In the Netherlands, just over 50% of the participating companies had never heard of zoning in risk-determining rooms, in Flanders this was even more worrying, at almost 75% of the participating companies! It should be noted that in the Netherlands slightly more than 1,000 food production companies, registered at the Chamber of Commerce, were approached and the number of respondents exceeded 50% of the total market. These figures make the report representative and reliable.
PP4CE has decided to launch an offensive and to increase the awareness clearly for the obligation of every company active in the food market, to analyse and reduce risks wherever possible. Do you have questions about developments in food safety standards and certification or European regulations, or do you want to know more about the EHEDG guidelines for the design of production facilities and air management?
Or would you like to know more about the global developments based on the FDA (FSMA) ‘modernization food safety’ law in the United States? The team of PP4CE tries to provide you with the latest developments at all times and assists you with advice and action for the realization of a correct and safe Food production facility.
On the site of PP4CE, from April 2018 every month a new White Paper document can be quickly and easily downloaded with interesting information about the Foodsafety theme.