Alsico Hightech

Alsico High Tech is a family based production company of high class cleanroom garments and accessories. A preferred supplier to some of the top pharmaceutical- , micro-electronic- and automotive companies and other segments in need of specified garments. Because Alsico High Tech is present as producer and selling company in all continents. We can offer these companies a homogenous high quality product. Alsico High Tech is an individual entity of the Alsico group (founded in 1933).

Our product specialists are authorized to assist with the gowning validations for the different segments in the industry. As for the implementation of GMP annex 1 and beyond, our specialists are developing the future cleanroom coverall.

Alsico High Tech is a direct supplier to major laundry- and end-user companies. Together with the owned production facilities, the inhouse quality control and the research lab this secures the highest level of supply control.