It’s been 4 months since the last blog…
Laziness? Long vacation? Or perhaps nothing unusual has happened for me to write a decent blog about? None of the above! These just happen to be tremendously busy times. Building up our new organisation simply requires a great deal of time and our international ambitions are challenging and successful, but they also demand much effort. Are we complaining? Absolutely not!
The requests for quotations just keep coming in and the interest in our company to design and build controlled environment facilities is growing rapidly. Our team of employees continues to grow steadily and the Management Team that has now been appointed is increasingly successful in delivering high-quality performances in collaboration with the management.
Over this past period, we have also had several ISO care systems certified by TÜV Nederland. In our case, we refer to the ISO 9001 (Quality), 14001 (Environment) and 45001 (Health & Safety) standards, as well as the certification of the VCA** care system. (HSE (Health, Safety and Environment), Checklist for Contractors. Very few of our colleagues in this branch have had such a complex and complete care system certified.
In light of the many activities within our organisation, it may seem like we completed this “in passing”, but actually, in this case, it involved a complete re-audit and what’s more, we have implemented a completely new care system for our Health & Safety (ARBO) process for the first time ever. So, we are super pleased with this certification for the coming three years. With thanks to our terrific EHSQ (Environment Health Safety Quality) coordinator and colleague Esther!
I am also very pleased with the investments made to raise the level of our quality. The large fully-automatic CNC machine for routing aluminium (frame and door) profiles and the stunning CNC sawing machine have by now been placed and are being used daily. Two great examples of the steps we are taking to achieve perfection!

It is still, however, necessary to continue to invest in people. The number of office personnel has grown greatly and our two newest employees, who recently started at our “Bedrijf-Bureau” will help the exsisting team further along the road towards implementing the BIM work method in the middle-long term.
We have recently started working with the Revit software for this. This does not mean that we will only be able to make perfect 3D drawings with the Revit “Building Information Model” in the future. The programme makes it possible to make drawings with representative images of aesthetic and functional characteristics. In the future, these will be intelligence drawings, that is to say, they will also be sources of information.
What is that BIMming, anyway?
Building Information Modeling (BIM) differs from Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in that an intelligent parametric 3D model is created which allows data to be generated with various methods. This data can also be exchanged with external tools with which the model can be adapted if necessary.
Put simply, it means that on the basis of the BIM work method, we can offer a digital representation of all the physical and functional characteristics of a controlled facility in a drawing to our building partners, facility managers, etc. A BIM model is a shared knowledge source or file that contains information about the building that serves as a reliable source to base decisions on during the entire lifecycle of the building. It thereby covers the first design, the construction period, the management and ultimately the demolition of the building.
The basic principle of BIM is that various parties and teams can collaborate during the different phases of the lifecycle of the building whereby the supply, retrieval and adaption of the information in the BIM serves to support and facilitate the roles of the divergent stakeholders.
I can’t describe it much simpler than that. In practice, it really means that in the future, a maintenance manager, when he encounters a problem with the door closer of a pass-door, he will be able to see who made the door closer with just a few clicks in the drawing and where he can order the parts if necessary as all of this information is digitally available! Also, based on the available maintenance information, it will be easier and faster to make a LTMP (Long-Term Maintenance Plan) that has a complete summary of all the parts that require maintenance at the facility.
Truly, a clear advantage from the design phase all the way through to the ultimate demolition phase of the building! We believe it is a must to implement this work method at Brecon in the coming 2 to 3 years. Without the BIM work method, we foresee problems in executing our range of services as a full-fledged international building partner.
Is there nothing new to report on a personal level?
Loyal readers of my Blog know that in addition to the commercial developments, I also sometimes report on news of a more personal level. Unfortunately, the news I have to report is not positive. This is also why the site has been a little more quiet than usual and I have not done much on my LinkedIn page. In January, after nearly 5.5 years, my dear wife Tineke was told that she was “clean” again. But, during a recent follow-up examination, she was told that the cancer had metastasized in her body. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy and we hope to fight this terrible disease for as long as possible. This is again terrible news for us and there not much more I can and wish to say about it. All I know is that she has an incredible fighting spirit and we as a family are doing all we can to get the most out of this life! The Jansen family will not give up easily.
Source: “Het Nationaal BIM Platform” website.
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